Host an elegant and child-friendly wedding at NJ’s Brooklake

Brooklake boys and groom

When you want to have a child-friendly wedding, you need to think of ways to make it comfortable and happy. In this way, everyone, especially couples, will not be distracted by having to corral the kids. Inviting children to your wedding may free parents from finding someone to care for their children that day. Those guests who are flying in to your New Jersey wedding will not have to leave their children behind. You may also have important children in your life, such as your niece or nephew, and especially want to share your day with them.

Of course, whether or not you invite children to your wedding list is entirely up to you. Etiquette states there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to inviting children. The key is to be absolutely clear on your invitations and plan early.

Beautiful indoor and outdoor event spaces like Brooklake are perfect for entertaining children. Try offering babysitter supervised activities like a quiet outdoor game of ring toss or corn hole. To provide children with an age-appropriate environment, many couples have set up separate spaces for young wedding guests. This could be an area away from the main reception, or another outdoor tent filled with age-appropriate decorations and things that are fun.

brooklake wedding party with kids

Children can add much charm to the ceremony

Children make the procession fun and carefree. If you need to help a 2-year-old walk down the aisle, ask a 5-year-old and a 6-year-old to hold hands. It’s not completely formal, but it’s adorable. All of your guests will be delighted. Plus the children will feel so important.

Some children can get restless when bored at an adult-themed reception

At ceremonies and receptions, give children responsibilities. Obvious roles include a flower girl, a young bridesmaid, or a ring bearer. At the reception, children of all ages can run around and take pictures with a disposable camera. Older children can distribute wedding programs, or favors. Regardless of the role, taking a little responsibility for such an important event can often make a child feel respected and included.

Cocktail hour is best when adults are carefree

Cocktail hour is a time to mix and mingle with adult conversation. Children do not have to be part of this scene. Occupy them with something fun. This can be another tent with age-appropriate furniture, or a place for a quiet lawn game such as Ring Toss. Bubbles are also lovely.

brooklake girl and bride

Occupy the kids

When you offer wedding-themed activities, kids feel like they’re actually involved in the celebration, not just doing random things. Wedding cookie decoration stations can make kids feel like they’re adding to the wedding day. Host beadwork, or have a cute sign made for the bride and groom. Let them decorate their own picture frame and then ask the photographer to take a picture of them at the party to put inside their hand painted frame.

At the reception, children can be super cute dancers. Prepare a basket of sparkling maracas and tambourine for special family fun! Consider one song from a favorite Disney movie. Martha Stewart offers a list of genius ideas for hosting your celebration’s youngest guests, from playful children’s tables to kid-friendly games. Of course supervision and parent permission is always needed. Talk to your host at Brooklake about what you have in mind.

Your hosts at Brooklake have also hosted plenty of Milestone Events such as Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, Sweet 16s, Quinceaneras and First Communions where there are lots of children. Ask for ideas!

brooklake desserts

Make dinner relaxing for everyone

A four-course meal can be boring for a child. A table with an expensive centerpiece that they are not allowed to touch can be both tempting and frustrating. Many children don’t have the patience for a four-course meal. Instead, give their own separate, supervised space. Brooklake has plenty of room to spread out with stations. A child-friendly buffet is a great idea. Children can take whatever they prefer without a long wait. Ask their parents what food their child likes and plan a child-friendly buffet. An Ice Cream Sundae Station is also a lot of fun.

Brooklake hosts spectacular events that honor children and teens. Your host will help you plan a delicious menu that satisfies everyone.

Brooklake Wedding rings

Consider a babysitter – or two or more

As a rule of thumb, planners advise that you hire a babysitter for every three to four children. This will help you and your friends not be distracted by your highest maintenance (and most adorable) guests.

Plan a fun wedding for your guests who are under 3 feet tall.

Make your wedding a relaxing day for everyone. All of our staff at Brooklake are friendly, polite and accommodating at every stage of your wedding. We will do everything to create your dream event for you and your guests, including those who are under 3 feet tall. Contact a Brooklake event specialist.